Welcome to Name Your Tune Digital!Introducing our
award-winning Name Your Tune 2! Plant a garden, join the
band, go to the zoo but please...no more monkeys jumping on
the bed! Hear your name more than 80 times in fun, fresh
versions of much-loved children's songs including Mr. Sun,
Lemondrops and Gumdrops, and Five Little Monkeys.
A Note About Pronunciation:
Please know that the most important thing for us is how it
sounds. When selecting your name from the available names
list, keep in mind that there are infinite spellings of
names. If the name you are looking for does not appear on our
list, check for an alternate spelling. There is a field in
the form below to send us a note about the pronunciation. So,
don't worry if we don't have "Ericka", but we have Erica.
It's all how you hear it!
A note about your validation code:
Please be sure to enter all digits, including dashes ie: 12345-678910, or AB123456